Texas – Outdoors Fun

While we’ve definitely had our share of outdoor activity since coming to Austin, we’ve been itching for a bigger dose; the past couple of weeks we got it!

It started with a trip to Adams Rocking A Ranch for some Texas style fun.

Ranch 5

We rode up to this 400+ acre ranch in Central Texas on a Friday night and woke up on a sunny Saturday to the site of free range cows enjoying a beautiful property.

Ranch 7

Ranch 4

We toured the property, let the dogs be dogs, and scoped out a good spot for target practice

Ranch 1

Ranch 6

Aaaannnd we put in some work

Ranch 2

So thankful to Bubble and the Adams family for giving us free reign of this amazing place.

Ranch 3

In the middle of our consecutive weekends in the Texas Country we headed into the city to meet Micah and Jessa for a night of Ramen at Daruma Ramen and Reggae at Flamingo Cantina.


Micah 2

The Ramen was proper and Micah killed it on the horns as usual.

Enchanted Rock (Finally)


There have been a couple of bad weather weekends that prevented us from getting to the rock, but the day of Christmas Eve it was gorgeous.

We took the two hour drive from Austin and went right to the Summit Trail.



It was a super steep climb and we’re out of hiking shape so I needed a rest.  Didn’t hurt that the scenery was incredible up there.


From the summit, instead of heading down, we hit a connector trail to Echo Canyon Trail.


The canyon was a bit of a fun challenge to navigate; we followed it to Moss Lake where Chica had a chance to take a dip


From there we headed back to our campsite and set up shop.  I picked the most secluded site which was awesome except we had to carry everything from the parking lot to the site which was a pain.

Once we were set up it seemed like the right call as the campsite filled quickly.  We were surprised to see how many people were camping out Christmas Eve.


It was a beautiful night with an incredibly bright full moon.  Felt good to be spending the night outdoors.

The next morning we decided to climb the Summit Trail again for exercise before heading home.  It was super muggy but still beautiful.


What a great time to precede the upcoming festivities of New Years!

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